off-page seo

Off-page SEO -The Best guide for beginners

Search engine optimization is consist of three types of integral practices-

1. On-page SEO

2. Off-page SEO

3. technical SEO

To rank the website higher in the search engine, doing only one practice is not enough.

On-page SEO is the first SEO practice that one should do on content in usual methods.

Then technical and off-page respectively.

Off-page optimization is not only related to building links for websites; it’s more than this practice.

Many people give more weightage to off-page SEO practices in building backlinks, but on-page SEO is also a vital element. If you do your on-page SEO job as perfectly as possible, then off-page SEO tasks will get a little bit easy.

Here I will tell you about off-page SEO. So let’s begin.

What is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO practices are done on content or site by staying outside the area.

Let go deep –

Once the content is ready and optimized with on-page SEO services and published. Then here comes the off-page SEO practices

Off-page SEO practices help to rank higher in search engines that improve the popularity, authority, relevance, and trust of a site in the eyes of users and search engines.

Standard off-page SEO practices include building links and social media sharing that increases engagement on readers sharing the content.

Why is off-page SEO important?

In short, off-page practices tell the search engine what others think about your site?

These SEO practices increase the authority and trustworthiness of your site. The valuable links from high-authority websites pass some authority to your site by giving backlinks.

Google algorithms and ranking factors keep changing, so if you think about how to tackle this problem, then I must say you should do your on-page, off-page, and technical seo practices so well so you will be one step ahead of your competitor.

Google still uses the page rank factor. So to rank on Google’s search bot, you should have the best knowledge of SEO practices, and you have to implement it in the best manner.

That helps in ranking the content.

Without off-page SEO, it isn’t easy to rank on competitive search. It is helpful to increase the authority of your website. For example, if you get more valuable links from high authority domains, they pass some reference to your website so Google can understand the content from this website is trustworthy.

On-page SEO Vs. Off-page SEO Vs. Technical SEO

Those mentioned above are all SEO practices equally essential to rank the content.

On-page SEO 

On-page SEO practices are also known as on-site practices where you have to optimize the page saying online. Whatever changes you make with your content will get notified by the user. The standard on-page SEO practices are creating high-value content and optimizing title, meta tag, headings, and images by adding a few focus keywords, interlinking the content, and many more.

Off-page SEO 

It is more to build links with other relevant authority sites to return a backlink. It improves readers’ engagement by sharing content on social media, Guest posting, and more. 

By staying outside your site, you are doing all off-page hacks. It helps improve your site’s popularity, authority, relevance, and trust.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO includes page loading speed, site architecture, structured data implementation. These factors are directly responsible for the ranking of a site.

Off-page SEO Techniques

The standard techniques that include under off-page SEO are –

Link-building –

The central aspect of off-page SEO is link building.

Link building is the vital element in off-page SEO, which increases a site’s authority.

It is essential to get links from high-authority domains as they pass some authority by giving backlinks to your site.

The main key goal of link building is to increase a site’s authority. It is always better to get a single link from many authority domains than to get more links from one or two. This concept is also called link juice.

Now you may have a question in your mind about where to check the authority.

So To check the authority of a website, there are many tools available on the internet. 

But Ahref SEO tool or Moz chrome extension is the best option.

The authority score might get different for both tools. In most for authority, they denote it as DA – Domain Authority.

In the Ahref tool, they denote it as DR -Domain Rating 

Ahref is the best tool to check backlinks, broken links, even for keywords.

Types of Links –

There are two types of backlinks 

Dofollow link
Nofollow link

Dofollow link: It is an important one when it comes to authority, and it helps to increase authority.

Nofollow link: It is not directly responsible for increasing the domain’s authority but still, it is a link. 

It is not easy to increase the authority of a domain. But with the right approach, you can get a backlink from high-authority websites.

The domain authority depends on different factors. This image will tell us.

Image credits: SEMrush

To check the insights of your site, you can use Ahref free tool as well as their paid tool.

You can check domain authority, backlinks, broken links, referring domains, organic keywords, and more about your site.

For instance-

Ahref Tool for backlinks

Brand building- 

Google rewards the brand. Increasing the authority of domain brand building is a crucial part. 

For instance, Amazon is one of the famous brand ecommerce sites. Or for SEO keyword research Ahref or SEMrush.

How will you come to know that you are building a band? The answer is when people will directly search with your brand name.

Building a brand helps to earn links naturally that also help to get mentioned all over the web, and Google can understand the reliability of your site.

Content Marketing-  

Content marketing is another crucial aspect of off-page SEO. When it comes to content marketing, no doubt anyone can think of it for on-page optimization. But creating and posting content on your site is not enough, and content marketing is publishing your content on the web. Even for that matter, Guest posting means you can write a post for another site that falls under content marketing. 

Content marketing helps spread all over the web and chances of getting traffic to your site. Or even help in getting backlinks.

For that matter, infographics also can play a vital role.

Local SEO

Local SEO is also a part of off-page SEO. Research says 46% of people opt for local SEO.

It helps in increasing business authority. When it comes to local SEO, word of mouth plays an important role that leads the customer to leave a comment or review so that the other potential customer can get an idea of how your business is doing?

For that matter, Google my business plays an essential role. 

Social Media 

Social media is a massive platform to communicate with many people.

It is not directly responsible for your site ranking, but you can drive some traffic towards your site using social media.

You can promote your website or post by creating valuable content so that people will be attracted to your content. If you are more popular, you can get people’s trust and get more traffic or consumers easily. So Social media is an essential part of off-page SEO.


Forums like Quora, Reddit, stack overflow, etc., are other platforms where you can directly interact with people by giving answers to their queries. If you do your job genuinely, then people notify you and follow you, so from that forum sites, you get more traffic or links, which increases the reliability of your site as you can build a good relationship and trust.


Content syndication-

Writing fresh content for different sites or social media is not easy. So here, you can take the help of content syndication. It means if you republish your content on medium or blogger by stating that “The original content is published on

It will not go into duplicate content as you gave the source. 

Let’s see what Google is saying-

Image credits: Semrush

Other off-page SEO services like podcasts, Guest posting giving reviews for products and services are also helpful in building trust and reliability of your site.

So here is all about off-page SEO. 


Off-page SEO is more than building links, and I must say it creates an excellent relationship with each other. So these practices help build the authority of your domain and drive traffic to your site so that Google can understand your site’s credibility. 

Do your SEO job then it would be on-page SEO, off-page SEO, or technical SEO no matter whatever it is, do it efficiently and genuinely so that your users will get value from your content or product. No one can stop you from stepping ahead. 

Please share your experiences with off-page SEO.

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